One thing that always picks me up is calling my dad. He always sounds so happy and excited to hear from me. When I call him, I know that I made his day better too...and it feels great to feel loved. 

Call someone who loves you, and let them know you love them too.
Seeing that totally rad outfit you wore the night before that was 'carelessly tossed' onto your desk the night before..don't toss it in the hamper quite yet, bury your face in and take a deep breath. The mingle of perfumes makes the night before seem so fresh. 
I love light bulb moments. You're sitting talking with your friends, and you can't remember the name of the actor..we've all been there. Then, later that night right before bed, it hits you! *WHAM!* You sit up in bed scaring the shit out of your bedsharee CLARK GABLE! Also, when those great ideas hit you for something that just drives or inspires you... - dream ideas. 

I love watching Data have these "oh my gosh, I just did a human behavior" moments! Those are just as good :)